Sale Town in Bloom: Sale town centre set to flourish this spring

Sale town centre is poised for a vibrant transformation this spring, thanks to the efforts of local residents and volunteers. 

This new 'Sale Town in Bloom' logo has been created by Dave Sedgewick from StudioDBD.

Sale Town in Bloom is a community project spearheaded by local resident and Stanley Square’s general manager, Tony Martin. The initiative is dedicated to bringing more green spaces to the town centre, ensuring Sale bursts into life during spring and summer.

A community effort 

Behind this initiative is a small committee of local enthusiasts and green thumbs, hoping to make it a reality. Jane Poole, a Sale resident with a love of gardening, steps into the role of chairperson and the initiative is further supported by a dedicated group of volunteers, including the Friends of Worthington Park, all eager to lend their hands to the cause.

Sale Town in Bloom has already secured some sponsorship funding from local businesses including MPSL Planning & Design Ltd, who are based in The Classrooms, Jackson House and Altered Spaces, the owners of Stanley Square. Tony is also liaising with Trafford Council on green spaces that can be used as well as getting support in being able to use the central planters along School Road. If this collaboration is successful, it would exemplify the community’s ability to come together for a common goal: enhancing the town's aesthetic and environmental appeal.

The initiative aims to introduce a wild garden area and an edible garden as well as flower beds and planters around the town.

Tony Martin said, “I am really looking forward to working with the local community on getting our town looking as nice and welcoming as possible for the spring and summer. 

“I am hoping that local shops and businesses embrace this and get involved by being creative with their own areas. The plan will be for the committee and volunteers to judge the business that has done the best display and award them with a trophy and certificate and I am hoping that this becomes an annual event.”

Join the green revolution

Sale Town in Bloom has the potential to be a project of community cohesion, environmental consciousness and local pride. Running from May to September, this initiative offers a unique opportunity for residents, businesses and volunteers to contribute to Sale’s transformation. Whether through sponsorship, funding or volunteering, if you would like to be involved, please contact Tony directly at

If you’re craving positive change in the town centre, you can help to make Sale a greener, more vibrant place to live and visit.


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