Mile Shy Club train more walking leads

New walking leads are ready to get people in Sale and Trafford moving more.

Sale walkers with Jane Dennison, Mile Shy Club founder © Mile Shy Club

The Mile Shy Club started as a club for those who want to get into running but lack confidence, but it has since grown into so much more!

Founded by Jane Dennison, the club recently used funding from Trafford Council to train seven new walking leads, to help encourage people to get moving more around Sale and across the borough of Trafford. This funding has come as part of the planned activity to promote the new active travel junctions due to be completed by the end of June along Talbot Road. 

The new walking leads will focus on walking clubs for those with confidence or mobility issues, to help get them out of the house and socialising in an active way. The aim is to get all members to be able to walk one mile comfortably.

Current walk leaders trained a new group of seven, with the majority of the new recruits coming from ethnically diverse backgrounds and being women. Walking is one of the most accessible forms of exercise: it’s free and anyone can do it, so it’s fantastic to have this extra support from the Mile Shy Club.

Jane Dennison, founder of the Mile Shy Club, commented: “We want to be as inclusive as possible, which is why we expanded our operation to include walk clubs, as we want to help everyone stay active and keep moving. The benefits of staying active are proven, both physically and mentally, particularly as our clubs offer a chance to socialise with new people from around the Trafford area. Thanks to Trafford Council for funding our training for new walk leaders: it means we can expand our local operations and help as many people as possible!”

Helen Gollins, director of public health at Trafford Council, added: “The Mile Shy Club is a great example of a community group that offers real benefits to those in Trafford. More walk leaders means more capacity for walking groups that suit everyone and will be particularly beneficial to our older residents and those with mobility issues. 

“Jane and her team do a fantastic job in getting people out and active, which aligns with our corporate priority of reducing health inequalities and our Walking, Cycling and Wheeling Strategy, which looks to get people moving more every day.”

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