Local artist Liv Alice inspires creativity at Sale primary school

Local artist Liv Alice recently led her first creative art workshop at Springfield Primary School in Sale, bringing her distinctive bold and vibrant style to a group of enthusiastic young artists.

Artist Liv Alice led a creative workshop at Springfield Primary School © Liv Alice

The workshop was part of the school's ‘Proud To Be Me’ Day, a celebration dedicated to self-expression and personal pride.

The children, dressed in outfits that represented their individuality, ranging from cultural wear to sports gear and favourite colours, were excited to dive into the art project. Liv Alice remarked, "It was great to hear everyone talk about what their dress wear meant to them and how it made them unique." 

The workshop aimed to provide a space for the children to embrace their artistic skills and build their self-expression and personal growth. Liv Alice emphasised the importance of this approach, stating, "The aim of this project was to allow the children to explore and develop their observational, expressive and reflective skills, as well as developing a positive relationship with themselves and others and having the freedom to create what makes them happy."

Pupils created self-portraits in the workshop © Liv Alice

In the workshop, pupils created self-portraits that not only showcased their creativity but also highlighted their unique identities. Liv Alice was particularly moved by the interactions and the pride the children took in their work. "It was wonderful to see the children smiling, laughing and connecting with their creative side and producing some beautiful portraits. Hearing them talk with their friends and teachers about what makes them proud to be their individual selves was equally rewarding."

If you are a local teacher or educator who would like to know more about Liv Alice's art workshops, email her at liv.alice.art@gmail.com or follow @liv_alice_paintings_ on Instagram and send her a DM. 


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